SJC - San Juan College
SJC stands for San Juan College
Here you will find, what does SJC stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate San Juan College? San Juan College can be abbreviated as SJC What does SJC stand for? SJC stands for San Juan College. What does San Juan College mean?San Juan College is an expansion of SJC
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Alternative definitions of SJC
- Mineta San José International Airport, San Jose, California USA
- San Jose International Airport
- Saint Joseph College
- Saint Joseph College
- St. John's College
- St. Johns County, Florida
- Saint John's Episcopal Cathedral
View 60 other definitions of SJC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- SFMC Saint Francis Medical Center
- SCNU South China Normal University
- SBL Southeast Bank Limited
- SNH State of New Hampshire
- SCH School City of Hammond
- SCCUSD303 St. Charles Community Unit School District 303
- SCC Solano Community College
- STS State Training Services
- SDL Spinneys Dubai LLC
- SK State of Kentucky
- SUHSD Sequoia Union High School District
- SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- SCCHR Senior Care Centers Health and Rehabilitation
- SRDI Social Resources Development Institute
- SVHGB St. Vincent Hospital Green Bay
- SGL Standard Group Ltd
- SPC Secretariat of the Pacific Community
- SSCSS SSC Service Solutions
- SMSC Stealth Mode Startup Company